2010年12月3日 星期五

本週的每週一曲-Diamonds and rust(鑽石與銹)-ㄚ胖

    對於成長在上個世紀六十、七十年代的人來說,Joan Baez Bob Dylan兩位美國民歌手,與其說是年輕歲月裡無法忘懷的聲音,毋寧說是建構自己世界觀的啟蒙導師。很多我同年齡的人是透過「Blowing in the wind」這首歌了解越戰與嬉皮的,就如同許多初學民謠吉他者一樣,是經由反覆練彈「Dona Dona」才拓展了民歌視野的。不少走專業路線的人,更在有限的資訊來源裡,上窮碧落行腳台北(我在中台灣渡過沒有Internet,內容更是乏善可陳的狂飆年齡),蒐集Woodstock藝術節的花絮,只為了延續同學間對於美國民歌、反戰思潮與嬉皮文化的一脈香火(說真的,那時候我們還不知道有人權運動這碼事兒!)。選擇這首Diamonds and rust作為註解的素材,實在是因為很想整理一下,我在昔日那似懂非懂的衝動與惆悵。

Well I'll be damned
Here comes your ghost again 

But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you happened to call

And here I sit
Hand on the telephone
Hearing a voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Heading straight for a fall

As I remember your eyes
Were bluer than robins' eggs
My poetry was lousy you said
Where are you calling from?
A booth in the Midwest

Ten years ago

I bought you some cufflinks
You brought me something
We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust (間奏)

Well you burst on the scene
Already a legend
The unwashed phenomenon
The original vagabond
You strayed into my arms
And there you stayed

Temporarily lost at sea
The Madonna was yours for free
Yes the girl on the half-shell
 Would keep you unharmed

Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair Now you're smiling out the windowOf that crummy hotel Over Washington Square
Our breath comes out white clouds
Mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me
We both could have died then and there

Now you're telling me
You're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You who are so good with words
And at keeping things vague

Because I need some of that
vagueness now It's all come
back too clearly
Yes I loved you dearly
And if you're offering me
diamonds and rust

I've already paid
戲劇張力像極了莎士比亞的哈姆雷特中,Horatio指引Hamlet見老國王的鬼魂“Look, my lord, it comes!”,同樣是意念中的”Ghost”(莎翁講的是老國王的鬼魂,Joan唱的是Bob的幽靈),民歌很少見到這樣的開場吧!

本曲故事中的第一個影像舊戀人打電話來,本來沒啥稀奇,但是卻是在the moon is full的時候打來,浪漫的情境提升了;再整句唱唸一次 It's just that the moon is full .And you happened to call”,有沒有感受到詩的節奏?

Light years 是光年,原來a couple of years ago就好了,何須誇張到light years呢?其一是因為詩的韻律美(不信你唸唸看,比較一下有light 與沒有light 哪個好聽?);其二是因為後面那句要命的”Heading straight for a fall”(直譯為直接朝向失敗),失敗用fall,一則押韻二則呼應光年的意象,光年!光年!總會想到星星吧!星星是會殞「落(fall)」的,像愛情也像Bob Dylan 一樣。

robins' eggs知更鳥的蛋,藍中透著微綠,美國人用知更鳥象徵春天來臨。
第一個現實場景:the Midwest,一則Bob的家鄉在Minnesota the Midwest,一則嬉皮們經常開車橫越中西部,目的只為了聽一場音樂會。Booth意為公共電話亭
聽說Joan在八十年代唱這首歌時,會唱成”twenty years ago” 九十年代則會唱成”thirty years ago”,與時俱進,呵呵!


”burst on the scene”Bob年輕時登台的迷人風采。(也有人譯為闖進我心坎的樣子”)忍不住稱讚Joan唱出” unwashed phenomenon”的咬字與音準,legend意為傳奇unwashed phenomenon 意為無法洗去的現象,永恆囉。original vagabond 意為經典的流浪漢。
最精采的唱腔與節奏掌控在這句”strayed into my arms”,詮釋了迷途的流浪者投入愛人的懷抱,溫暖久久未散。
注意!注意! “Temporarily”的唱法,經典的Joan Baez Temporarily lost at sea,暫時失蹤於海上,是指Bob Dylan車禍後,沉寂了好幾年。
”the girl on the half-shell”係著名的畫作,就是維納斯在貝殼裡的那一幅,這裡的Madonna與維納斯都是Joan在夫子自況!她曾經他這個經典的流浪漢的意思,此外,以貝殼呼應"Lost at sea",也是神來之筆!

本曲第二個現實場景位於紐約的”Washington Square”,此處是反戰群眾經常的聚會地點,相當於台灣的凱達格蘭廣場。這一段描寫兩人當年共同參與的示威,美國激烈的街頭運動,亦有死有傷,所以會有與過去事實相反的假設語氣” We both could have died then and there”,這些街頭運動也是美軍自越南撤退的主因之一。用主歌來表達這一段情誼,顯然Joan很看重這段街頭革命家的感情!

Bob是個文字高手,這我們從他填過的歌詞中可以確定,現在幹嘛說自己不是個”nostalgic”(懷舊者)呢?每次看他年老頹廢的樣子都覺得好難過,明明就懷念人家,還嘴硬!keeping things vague意思是很會用暗示模糊的語意。

聽這句“Yes I loved you dearly”,你真的會覺得Joan很愛Bob,可惜是past tense。有意思的是,Joan是在It's all come back too clearly (思維記憶很清楚的時候)唱出了“Yes I loved you dearly”,愛情經常發生於矇懂之間,而其刻骨銘心的本質卻只能在冷靜清晰的時候發現啊!
Joan 有時候會唱成”Yes I once loved you dearly,生恐別人沒聽到loved 過去式的發音,強調一下”once”證明自己的清白,好狠!

And if you're offering me
diamonds and rust
I've already paid


3 則留言:

Oliver 提到...

Warren, what a pick, this is one of the Joan's best. You may love it better if you know this song is about her love affair with Bob Dylan. Listen to the lyrics, it is very descriptive if you know how Bob Dylan behaved as a troubadour. Sadness and beatufy mingled as a rare encounter

Oliver 提到...

Shit, I did not finished reading the whole thing before I left my comment, you actually interpreted better. What a time and what a love, there is nothing greater than the what they shared and lived through together, shared the same goal and concept about the war and government, drafting and Vet war.... she said, the most talented crazy person I've ever worked with ... no mentioned the name.. guess who!

ㄚ胖 提到...

Tks Oliver! Ur reinterpretation have made this article more complete.
I also learn a new vocabulary "troubadour" from your composition.~~