Very interesting clipping. I wnat to say something not related to this posting.
Ever since I came back from Taiwan, the feeling is like I had very nice vintaged wine, and I want to go back drink more and more, and stay drunk and don't want to come back and face the reality of daily life. Does it sound bad?? ha
4 則留言:
呵呵 美國提供給青年人的環境與期望 的確與我們不一樣 小孩子只要開竅的那一刻 自己的期望就會產生了而且會滿深刻的
看COREY選的音樂 似乎20世紀人類最頻繁的靜態休閒真的是電影了!
Very interesting clipping. I wnat to say something not related to this posting.
Ever since I came back from Taiwan, the feeling is like I had very nice vintaged wine, and I want to go back drink more and more, and stay drunk and don't want to come back and face the reality of daily life. Does it sound bad?? ha
有如你的渴望, 大夥們也都很期盼能夠與你再相聚有說有笑. 就如同你所說的--想要再回飲這桶30年上乘的葡萄酒.
為了維持大夥們的熱情與熱度, 我改寫了13世紀波斯詩人魯米(Rumi)的詩--'酒館'裡的一段, 以作為大家相約在'未來的常常'的約定!!
Finishing school represents a big change for all of us, but I am gald we did not change much after all these years.